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My name is John Jesse and I have been a member of the King Street UCC for 30 years.  I grew up in a small town in NE Pennsylvania and the only church in town was the Congregational church which had been formed in 1800.  My parents were very active in the church and therefore I was also.  With my career with IBM, my wife, son, and I moved to Danbury. My son was 9 years old and we wanted to ensure he went through confirmation and had all the information he needed to make an informed decision about religion in his life.   We found King Street because my son was a Cub Scout and his school friends went to King Street for their meetings.  The rest is history and we joined the church.  He was in a large confirmation class and his best friend to this day, Eddie Hannan, was in the class also.

My wife had a great deal of experience in the bell choir and joined the bell choir.  I was asked to be a Deacon which was the beginning of many different jobs within the church.  Currently I sing in the choir and serve as a Deacon and member of fund raising committees.

I am writing this brief history because I feel very strongly about what my church and my church family have to offer.  I am especially grateful to be in a loving, caring, supportive congregation that is sensitive and  genuine and provides a family I can always depend on. We are an Open and Affirming church accepting ALL who come through our doors.  We are not judgmental and work to help whomever whenever we can. 
I am also especially grateful to have a pastor who provides wonderful messages every week.  I often say I come to church to be fed and he consistently delivers a message to ponder for the week. He epitomizes our promise to one another to “love, support and care”. 

Come to our Sunday morning service at 9:30 AM and stay for coffee hour to meet people who you can relate to.  You will not be disappointed!!!  Look for the tall guy with white hair……. 


On June 2, 2013, we voted to become an Open & Affirming congregation. This is a designation for congregations within the United Church of Christ that have gone through a process of education and exploration in order to declare themselves to be welcoming of all God’s children.  MORE>


Service Every Sunday:  9:30 A.M. 



Monday - 930 A.M. - 1230 P.M.

Wednesday - 930 A.M. - 1230 P.M.

Friday - 930 A.M. - 1230 P.M.



Thursday & Saturday:  10 A.M.-1 P.M.



201 South King Street

Danbury, CT 06811

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